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Planning Board Minutes - 7-16-03
 Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of July 16, 2003
Town Hall Hearing Room

Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Lisa Brown, Alfred Pickard, Gerald                  Parent, Mark Berry, Ben Gitlow; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town                    Administrator

Chair O'Connell convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  The Board welcomed Ben Gitlow, a new member with previous experience on Planning Board.

Continuation of Preliminary SD #03-03, Geiger-Spencer.  No representative of this proposal was present.  The Chair noted that the Board had made a site visit to the property on the previous day.

Kelley Way.  (See minutes of 7/2/03 plus all previous pertinent minutes)  Rex Peterson reported that Chet Lay had been in contact with authorities of Mass Highway in Boston and was still hopeful of gaining some resolution not requiring a waiver from the "hold-out" abutter.  The Chair read a statement of agreement arising from the Board's 7/2/03 decision to waive the widening of Kelley Way, to be signed by the Chair of the Planning Board and by Diana Crooks (see attachment).  Lisa Brown moved and Mark Berry seconded that the Board approve the statement and authorize the Chair to sign; the motion carried, 5-0-1 (Gitlow abstaining). The Chair signed the statement.  

Organizational Issues:
Annual Elections.  The Board conducted election of officers for the year:  
Mark Berry nominated O'Connell for Chair; Lisa Brown seconded; the motion carried 5-0-1 (O'Connell abstaining).
Alfred Pickard nominated Lisa Brown for Vice-Chair; O'Connell seconded; the motion carried 5-0-1 (Brown abstaining).
Lisa Brown nominated Ben Gitlow for Clerk; Alfred seconded; the motion carried 5-0-1 (Gitlow abstaining).
Planning Board Priorities.  The Chair reviewed an old list of priorities, commenting on those completed and those needing completion and asking for suggestions from the Board.  A list follows:
Revision of Subdivision Regulations--O'Connell stated that this needed to be a continuing project.
Local Comprehensive Plan--The Chair noted that the BOS wishes this plan to be broad-based.  Ben Gitlow reviewed the history of the LCP from his perspective on the Local Comprehensive Plan Coordinating Committee.  Peterson stated that Tim Smith felt that the Board should go ahead and conduct a town-wide survey for the LCP with the $5000 grant which had been received for that purpose; discussion of the elements of and procedures for conducting such a survey followed.  Also covered was the possibility of Planning Board's examining the action items listed in the 1993 plan with appropriate boards and committees to determine what had and had not been completed.
Clearing out of Herring River--Lisa Brown spoke for the urgent necessity of this, asking if it should be a Planning Board issue.  The Chair felt the Board's charge was broad enough to cover it.  
One-Way Traffic on Main and Commercial Streets--discussion covered a hypothetical one-way summertime routing, possible town reaction, the necessity for a 2/3 confirmation vote at Town Meeting, alternate possibility of proposing this through a by-law.
Study of former Catholic Church property at 135 Main--Since it was noted that what happened to this property depended upon what the town did regarding the municipal water system, discussion moved to whether the Water Commissioners' decisions on water use in the downtown area would regulate what could be done, allowed and planned for in the downtown.   This led to the following priority suggestion.
Determination whether any Planning Board action is necessary on the water issue in the downtown
Rexamination of Central District boundaries
Beautification and maintenance of Parking Lot at bottom of Bank street
Working regionally with other towns on municipal problems (e.g., traffic, sewer, trash, water)
Problem of Route 6--Rex Peterson noted that this priority would need Mass Highway's cooperation.
Joint Meeting with Zoning Board of Appeals--Pickard's suggestion to clarify zoning issues.
Examination of Wind Tower Bylaw--CCCommission is now working on a model bylaw.
Examination of the Cell Tower Bylaw

Other Business:
Minutes of the Meeting of July 2, 2003.  Chair O'Connell moved the approval of the 7/2/03 minutes as amended; Berry seconded.  The motion carried, 4-0-2 (Parent, Gitlow abstaining).
Taute Permit.  The Chair noted that a building permit for his undersized lot had been issued to Michael Taute by the Building Inspector.   Discussion on the reasoning for this issuance followed.

Gerry Parent moved and Ben Gitlow seconded a motion to adjourn; the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

______________________________          ____________________________
Frances J. Castillo, Assistant to the                   R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair
        Committee Secretary                             ________________________Date